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2 min read

Ten Tips for Creating Effective Campaigns on ORACLE Eloqua

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Are you using Eloqua to the best of your advantage? Here are our top ten tips to keep in mind when creating a campaign within the platform!

1. Personalisation = Engagement

It is well documented that personalisation improves engagement.  When creating email assets, try adding the first name field in the subject line and follow this up with even more personalised emails. You can also add a LinkedIn connection link to your signature, which will feel more personable to the recipient of the email.

2. Campaign Automation

In Eloqua, your linked campaigns can sit outside of your email schedule. This means that if a contact moves into a campaign, any communications can be sent over a few days rather than a scheduled date all at once, to avoid them feeling overwhelmed.

3. Custom Objects

Acquire additional information about your contacts through data capture forms, this can be stored in a custom data object for future use in routing, personalising campaigns or bespoke segment builds in Eloqua.

4. Downloadable Documents

Including downloadable PDF’s or documents into Eloqua allows you to add useful resources to your pages. These documents can be gated by a blind form so that you are aware of who has accessed them.  This will help you excel when you want to gather information on who is interested in your content materials.

5. Lightbox Forms

When you begin to create your pages in Eloqua, using a “pop out” form or bulleted list from a landing page will bring the asset to life. Lightbox forms are interactive for your recipients and still allow you to keep all your content on one page.

6. Personalised Email Signatures

In Eloqua, you can personalise your email signature based on account manager, location or job title that your email is related to. Much like our first tip, this step creates a personalised approach for your email recipient.

7. Blind Forms

When creating a Call-To-Action (CTA), download or button in Eloqua, insert a blind form behind each element. This action allows known users to be tracked through a hidden form which can be set to trigger other campaign actions.

8. Including Dynamic Content

By incorporating Dynamic Content, your asset’s content can vary per contact depending on the rules created. For example, an attendee at a recent event you held could receive content to a brand-new contact who has not received communication from you before.

9. Segmentation of Data

Create a bespoke set of contacts based on your rules. By segmenting your contacts into specific groups, you can use rules such as: previous event attendance or campaign engagement to tailor your messages.

10. Video Implementation

Finally, you can improve your asset content in Eloqua by including gated explainer videos into your pages. Dropping videos into your contacts inbox at key times of the day can help you share insight and drive traffic.
By using these ten tips in Eloqua, you can excel your contact communication and build effective campaigns!